The Release of Forgiveness


We all need forgiveness and we expect to be forgiven by others because that is what we are to do, but how often do we withhold forgiveness.

Psychiatrists and psychologists make a pretty good living from who we have failed to forgive. Often we do not forgive our family, especially our parents or siblings for the wrongs they have committed both real and imagined.

Yet, this is the very thing we are told by the Lord to do, forgive. Don’t treat this choice lightly because you have heard it before.

Think about this one. When we do not forgive others it leads to very destructive behavior. Many people who were sexually abused as children by someone they trusted become sexually destructive by embracing lifestyle choices that are forbidden.

Those who were beaten or otherwise mistreated go on to beat and mistreat others, this is often due to holding on to the abuse and not forgiving the one who betrayed their trust.

When we confront a Holy God and deal with our sin, the forgiveness we receive from Him must be extended to others in order that our souls may be truly healed.

I know this firsthand.

From abusive step parents to hateful siblings and the violations they committed against me, to forgive them was near impossible.

It was important though to remove the power and the poison of the wrongs they did in order to change my life for the better.

Jesus taught this in the prayer we know so well.

“Give us this day our daily bread, 

and forgive us our debts,
as we also have forgiven our debtors.” -Matthew 6:11-12

Notice there is a connection between God’s provision, His forgiveness and our forgiveness toward others. We cannot hope to have the life we want without making this choice.

This is the second step to changing your life forever, giving forgiveness.