
Tag: Muslim

Are Christians Eating Meat Sacrificed to Idols?

As Muslim populations and conversions grow and as they travel more while demanding Sharia law, more grocery stores and restaurants around the world and...

Christians Being Intimidated in the US and Europe Persecuted in the Middle East, Praise God

Persecution of Christians is spreading worldwide as the flood of Muslim migrants engulfs Europe and the United States. Christians are being told to be...

Bees and the Word of God Plus Bruce Jenner Posing Nude on Cover of Sports Illustrated

There is a teaching I give from time to time on Bees and the word of God and I was reminded of it when...

The Brussels Attack, Leaders Doing the Wave and Bad House Guests

The world was once again shocked by Islamic terror as Brussels, the heart of the European Union was attacked in a two prong coordinated...

Why is Germany Covering Up Muslim Migrant Sexual Attacks From New Year’s Eve

The people of Germany are becoming quite upset over the cover-up being perpetrated by their government and their media as it is being revealed...

Islam Does Not Share the Same God or the Same Book

An associate professor of political science at the Christian University Wheaton College is making headlines not because she is chosen to wear a Muslim...

Worldwide News, Local News in London, Tips & Tricks
