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Presidential Decree to Train US Children to Accept Depravity and State Sponsored Child Abuse

The president of the United States, Barack Hussein Obama, has issued a presidential decree to change the laws of the United State to make it mandatory that American schools accommodate the less than one half of one percent of students who desire to embrace the abomination of dressing as the opposite sex by allowing them to use restrooms that they choose regardless their biological gender.

The president has also decreed that he will withhold funds that have been designated by congressional mandates, known as laws, if schools defy in anyway the president’s command by claiming state sovereignty in the area of education.

It is not clear when the president and the federal government gained such power and authority to reserve unto themselves rights that had belonged to the several states, but clearly there was a change to the constitution that has allowed the president to rewrite the law as is best for the greater good of the people.

For if we still operated under the constitution I read and studied in school, the power to govern would still be centered in the individual states among the people and not centralized in the office of the president.

The congress and the courts would challenge the authority of the president to issue decrees and rewrite budgets and he certainly would not have the power to hold the people hostage with the very money they had earned through blood, sweat and tears to educate their children to be productive members of society.

If we still ran the country by the constitution instead of the dictatorial machinations of a megalomaniacal despot, we would not have government-imposed depravity of state sponsored child abuse.

Congress would have passed a resolution Monday morning following the presidential decree that called for the articles of impeachment for daring to exceed his authority in regard to the purse strings and the rewording of the civil rights act, not to mention threatening the sovereignty of states themselves.

The attorney general of the United States, Loretta Lynch would be brought before congress in irons and made to answer for her tyranny of governors and state legislators.

Thus order would be restored and the office of the president constrained to its constitutional boundaries to be the executive of America’s laws not the originator of them.

Unfortunately, we live in post constitutional times and the checks and balances we believed to be in place have all but been removed. The president of the United States now wields power without restraint and he is allowed to dictate to the states and the schools they were once charged to operate that they must now teach our children depravity and subject them to child abuse.

The battle cry of the American Revolution has been silenced, “No king but King Jesus!”

Paul Holt
Paul Holt
Pastor Paul is the pastor of First Baptist Church in Magdalena, NM. He also works full time at a dental office in Socorro, NM as an administrator. Paul has appeared on radio, television and writing articles for many years where he has analyzed current events and trends from a biblical perspective.

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