New York, London and Mystery Babylon Bring Back the Temple of Baal


There is a tribute to an ancient evil being set up in New York and London next month, a mystery religion that has its roots in the rebellion against God that led to the confusion of nations at the tower of Babel and the exile of the children of Israel from the land, that tribute is the gate of the temple of Ba’al.

This false god connects the doctrine of Balaam to the harlot of Babylon who gets drunk on the blood of the saints, and the showdown of Elijah to the evil Queen Jezebel, and all of them are mentioned in the book of Revelation and are opposed by Jesus Christ.

In August 2015, this temple was destroyed by ISIS, and most of the world recoiled in terror at the loss of a “cultural heritage site.” Now, in an attempt to “preserve history,” two exact replicas of the 50-foot arch that stood at the entrance to the temple will be erected in April 2016 in Times Square in New York City and in Trafalgar Square in London.

Worship of this false god included bisexual orgies and child sacrifices, this is what made idol worship, in part, so attractive to the ancient world like it does today. People can engage in debauchery without consequence as the offspring of the last celebration can be sacrificed during the next one with the permission of the god they worship. No harm, no foul.

The history of this false god can be traced throughout scripture and history going back to the original great hunter of men, Nimrod. Nimrod hunted men using great words to form a kingdom that rebelled against the command of God to multiply and fill the earth.

Most believers think the sin of the tower of Babel was building a tall building that could reach heaven and that is understandable if you read the text in a short burst out of context. When we dig deeper we discover that all the people stayed in Mesopotamia in defiance of the command of God and that the confusion of language forced people to spread out and have children as God wanted.

I won’t get into the history right now, but suffice to say, following Nimrod’s death a plethora of false gods were created based on him that were worshiped in Egypt, Greece, Rome and of course Babylon.

The worship of Ba’al and his variants always included sexual immorality and child sacrifice to bring prosperity from mother earth and avoid the poverty found in child bearing. Sound familiar?

The only difference between the child sacrifice of long ago and the abortion of today is how much earlier a woman can divest herself of the consequences of worshiping her flesh.

So maybe we should not be surprised by the temple gate going up in New York and London because we still worship the way we did thousands of years ago and still we rebel against the commands of God.