
Category: The Bible Factor Podcast

TBF028-The End of the American Age

America has been going through a fundamental transformation in recent years and it is not only because of the election of Barack Hussein Obama...

Life, Liberty and Worldview

  What we believe matters. The way we view the world is important because it has an affect on everything we know, including liberty. From how...

TBF026- The Shemitah and the Coming National Judgment

We should not fool ourselves, God is not mocked. America has been making the wrong choice for some time, to thumb our collective noses...

TBF025- Freedom and Prosperity

  It is incredible how quickly America is changing. We are now seeing the state establish religion and it is not Christianity. When the Lord...

TBF024- The Fight For Life

All Lives Matter Regardless of How You Describe Them It is a foundational biblical principle that all life has value, regardless of age, gender, or...

TBF023- The Calm Before the Storm

Everything is just going so well these days, right? The unemployment numbers are looking so good that the Fed may need to figure out...

Worldwide News, Local News in San Francisco, Tips & Tricks
