
Category: The Bible Factor Podcast

A Christian’s Sacred Duty

  Christians have a sacred duty to love God and to love their neighbor and this involves more than lip service. We are to show...

A Socorro Christmas

Note: This is the 30 min weekend program. Christmas was difficult for me growing up, my parents divorced when I was 6 years old and...

Socorro Smith’s and the American Economy

UPDATE: Socorro citizens plan to hold a rally on Wednesday that is intended to persuade Kroger, the parent company that owns Smith's grocery, to...

Truth Justice and Nullification

I am Pastor Paul Holt and this is the Bible factor where we look at life and current events through a biblical lens, through...

Democratic Socialism and the Liberty of Work

There is a turning away from economic principles that have worked in the past as more than half the US population does not work...

TBF031-Oregon Shooting the Economy and the World

Another tragic shooting grips America and brings gun control to the foreground, the president is angry that this is the 15th such event to...

Worldwide News, Local News in San Francisco, Tips & Tricks
