
Category: Bible Factor Update

Jesus Saves Christmas

There is an interesting play on words in Matthew 1:21 where it says that the Lord will be named Jesus because He will save...

We Interrupt Christmas to Bring You This Message

There are a lot of issues with Christmas, I must admit. From atheists and the war on Christmas to Messianic Christians dogging on the...

What Should Christians Do With Santa Clause?

Santa Clause has been an American tradition in many homes both secular and Christian almost as long as we have been celebrating the holiday. But...

American Life Expectancy in Decline

According to the latest numbers released by the Centers for Disease Control the life expectancy is in decline for 2015 following four years of...

Fighting the Extremes

Social media companies such as Facebook and Twitter are wanting to censor extremist speech and point of views in the name of combating terrorism...

Are Christians Eating Meat Sacrificed to Idols?

As Muslim populations and conversions grow and as they travel more while demanding Sharia law, more grocery stores and restaurants around the world and...

Worldwide News, Local News in San Francisco, Tips & Tricks
