
Category: Bible Factor Update

President Obama, The Spirit of Fear and Christian Genocide

President Barack Hussein Obama gave his last speech as president at the National Prayer Breakfast on Thursday and his topic was fear. The president reminded...

Atheists Get God Bless America Sign Taken Down But See How the People Respond

The Freedom From Religion foundation has once again demanded God be removed from the public square, this time demanding that a God Bless America...

Who Has the Authority Over Sin, God or the Government?

The United States Supreme Court has agreed to hear the appeal of Denver-based Little Sisters of the Poor nuns, who refused to comply with...

Family Values and The Rights of a Person’s Body

Bernie Sanders, that godless socialist senator running for president made a fascinating, if not flawed argument over the weekend as he stumped in Iowa...

How Much Longer Will Americans Allow Their Children to be Taught Islam in the Schools They Pay For?

More and more American schools are being caught indoctrinating our children into the Islamic religion; the latest is near the nation’s capitol in Maryland. A...

VA Doctors Being Pressured by Elected Officials to Start Giving Vets Pot

A bipartisan group of US congressmen and senators are working together to persuade Veteran Administration doctors to start prescribing veteran patients under their care...

Worldwide News, Local News in San Francisco, Tips & Tricks
