
Category: Bible Factor Update

Enabling Monstrous Injustice in the Name of Rehabilitation of Some Young Killers

Bravery and reason, these are words often used by progressive to describe choices that most people understand to be immoral or just plain wrong....

What on Earth is happening to the American Election System?

American politics has never really been a pleasant process to watch, from the very early days of the union signers of the Declaration of...

What Does the Death of SCOTUS Justice Scalia Mean to America’s Short Term Future?

This weekend the United States lost one of it’s most conservative justices on the supreme court, Justice Antonin Scalia, and many among the political...

Gold Fever, Love and Money

There is a new epidemic spreading across the world this week and this time it is not the Zika virus, the world has contracted...

Sanders and Trump, Live Free or Die, Either Way the Game is Afoot

The primaries are over in Iowa and New Hampshire and in the case of New Hampshire Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump have won but...

Are Diseases Caused by Sin?

When studying the Word of God we can conclude that to some degree sickness is rooted in our spiritual life. We know that the...

Worldwide News, Local News in San Francisco, Tips & Tricks
