Paul Holt


Pastor Paul is the pastor of First Baptist Church in Magdalena, NM. He also works full time at a dental office in Socorro, NM as an administrator. Paul has appeared on radio, television and writing articles for many years where he has analyzed current events and trends from a biblical perspective.

The Spiritual Illness of America and the Commandments of God

Many have identified a spiritual illness in America. From the #metoo movement to the many stories of sexual abuse we know something is...

The Core Mission of Planned Parenthood, Prosecuting Dutch Christian and Wall Foolishness

While everyone is focused on the government shutdown foolishness and the border wall, the President of Planned Parenthood flatly stated that the core mission of that...

When Republicans Ran Things and Nothing Changed

It is little discussed in conservative circles that Republicans ran the house and the Senate for 8 years and yet almost $8 trillion (a...

The Planned Parenthood Core Mission

On Tuesday, the president of Planned Parenthood, Leana Wen, made a statement that really surprised no one at all. She stated on Twitter: "First,...

Toxic Masculinity or Toxic Humanity

According to the American Psychological Association (APA), masculinity is “harmful,” and the term “toxic” masculinity is used on many college campuses across the...

The Pursuit of Happiness and Government Redistribution

Many of the current candidates for president on the progressive left, and let’s face it who isn’t, advocate extremely high tax rates for the greater good....

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