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America Has Chosen Before Who Can Come to Live Here Based on Belief

iraq-middle-east-refugee-familyLike many of the silly arguments made by progressives, President Obama’s assertion that it is un-American to be selective in who we allow to migrate based on religion is just not true.

Many times over the last 200 plus years, America has given preference to Russian and Ethiopian Jews, Armenians Christians and Catholics from Vietnam because their values where compatible. After all, when building a nation it is important to use quality materials.

President Obama showed some rare passion when describing his take on other leaders who wanted give preference to Christian refugees over Muslims as shameful and un-American, he finished with “That’s not American. That’s not who we are. We don’t have religious tests to our compassion.”

What the president fails to understand about our history is that we are a Christian nation built on the ideals of liberty and freedom in religion, economics and speech, but then again maybe he does and that is what he wants to change.

We often think that it is wrong to make a choice that is good for our communities, families and nation, after all discrimination is one of the few words that are considered dirty. But discrimination is how choices are made.

When we eat more fruits and vegetables instead of candy bars and potato chips even though it morally right to consume M &M’s, we discriminate. When we choose to learn a new skill instead of playing games that waste our time, we discriminate.

Paul in Ephesians 5 tells us to redeem the time for the days are evil, this is a choice we make. Numbers 15:16 commands that there be one law for us and the stranger who lives among us.

The Muslim migrant demands that he live under a different law, sharia law and having two laws disregards the Lord and creates confusion in our country, which is the point.


Paul Holt
Paul Holt
Pastor Paul is the pastor of First Baptist Church in Magdalena, NM. He also works full time at a dental office in Socorro, NM as an administrator. Paul has appeared on radio, television and writing articles for many years where he has analyzed current events and trends from a biblical perspective.

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